Friday, August 23, 2013

Practicing Patience.

I am overwhelmed with joy. I can't stop smiling and I am anxiously waiting for Monday to come so I can meet all of my students. My mind has been focused on teaching almost 24/7 since I was hired the first week of May and I am excited to start implementing all of my ideas. I love South Hills Middle! I have had the opportunity to spend a good amount of time there over the summer and I am humbled to be working with some of the best teachers in the state and hope to learn all I can from their wonderful examples.

The summer has been filled with the ups and downs of planning and the enormous amounts of information that has been thrown at me the past few weeks, but whenever I am feeling stressed or exhausted my mind always returns to my students. Everything I do is for them. The 15 hour work days and 4 hours of sleep is worth it. But hopefully I can start getting some more sleep soon. Haha. But, I would do it all year long if I knew it was best for my students. I look forward to creating a positive classroom environment with authentic learning. My goal for the year is to help my students feel empowered through becoming Self-Regulated Learners. I seriously can't even wait!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

So it begins...

Welcome to our class blog. I am SO excited to be the EBD cluster teacher at South Hills Middle School. I had the opportunity to go visit the school last week (things are getting real!) and participate in our department collaboration meeting. I felt so welcomed and I am grateful to have such supportive (and hilarious) colleagues. I also got to see our future classroom and spend some time dreaming up a bright, new, safe space for us to grow and learn this year. This blog will be a place for us to document the 2013-2014 school year and my first year of teaching. Get ready!

Go Tigers!!!